Bill Gates is About to Become The First Trillionaire in History

“62 people own the same as half the world, reveals Oxfam Davos report”

61 year old Gates is the only person known to potentially becoming a trillionaire in their lifetime. King Mansa Musa, an African Muslim Sultan is the only person to have ever come close. King Mansa’s estimated worth ranges from 500-600 billion, however he died after his 25 year reign.

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Samsung Make Fun of Apple iPhone 6 Mistake


Competing giant Samsung takes a jab at Apple blunder with the iPhone 6 Plus of making the phablet too weak, easy enough to bend by the fingers.

The mocking meme depicts the bending iPhone in prostration to Samsung’s newly released Note 4 flagship.

This isn’t the only time Samsung have digged and poked at Apple, with many advertisement videos by Samsung depicting a mock-up of idiotic pseudo-Apple genuises.